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PokeRaid Frontliner Program

Frontliner is a revenue-share program of PokeRaid that lets you earn gift cards for hosting high-demand raids. Here is how it works:

  1. PokeRaid announces a reward for a high-demand Pokémon. Once you become a Frontliner, you'll be able to see these rewards on the Bounty screen.

  2. You host a raid of announced Pokémon and your guests join with Auto Join or Reservation.

  3. Once the raid is complete, your guests give you a rating.

  4. If you have a good rating from your guests, announced reward gets loaded to your account.

How to Apply

PokeRaid users with high host rating are eligible to apply for the program.

  1. Download PokeRaid from App Store or Play Store

  2. Register to PokeRaid

  3. Apply for the Frontliner Program by visiting Settings or Bounties screen

  4. Select your country. You'll be able to earn rewards the can only be spent in that country.

  5. Select your reward type. There are 3 available gift cards which may differ in different countries.

    • Play Store

    • App Store

    • Amazon

  6. Submit your application

  7. Once you are eligible for the program we are going to let you know via a push notification.


You will need to provide information about your country and your preference for Payment in order to participate in the Program.

Eligibility Criteria for the Program are listed below:

  • PokeRaid (or PokeZone) users with 4.5+ host rating and 50+ host rate counts are eligible to apply for the program. There may be some exceptions for the criteria for certain regions and/or for a time period.

  • You have to apply to the Program from a Region that is specified in the “Eligible Regions and Countries” section.

  • This Program (the “Frontliner Program”) is open to those who are older than 18 years of age.

Eligible Regions and Countries

You must register to the Program by selecting your country correctly. Eligible countries for the Program are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United States of America (U.S.A.), United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom. Note that, if you select the Country and complete the registration process of the Program, you won’t be able to change your Country selection later. PokeRaid (or PokeZone) may change (add or subtract) countries in eligible regions and countries later on. If the mentioned change is related to the country you selected, we may notify you through our services or via email.

Other Rules for Frontliner Eligibility

  • We expect Frontliners to behave respectfully towards other trainers. Even if you meet the conditions specified above, you may be removed from the Frontliner Program or you could not successfully register to Frontliner Program in the following situations:

  • Content that promotes hate based on factors like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or any other aspect of identity

  • Speech or behavior that is hostile, including actions that intimidate, mistreat, or torment others.

  • Content containing explicit images, graphic violence, or gore.

  • Content shared with the aim of defaming, abusing, harassing, or threatening another player.

  • Content showing adult nudity or sexual activity, as well as any effort to engage in sexual or sexually suggestive discussions with minors.

  • Content that supports, encourages, or aligns with terrorist organizations or violent extremist factions.

  • Content that encourages or aids in illegal actions or enables the exchange of banned goods.

  • Spam, ads, promotions, or content that is designed to mislead, deceive, or otherwise harm users.

  • Content that breaches the intellectual property rights of others, like copyrights or trademarks, including impersonation or false affiliation.

  • Using modified or unofficial software.

  • Using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location (“spoofing”).

  • Intentionally exploiting a bug to gain reward.

  • Abusing the Frontliner Program.

Registration Statuses of the Frontliner Program

Users will be registered to the program according to their eligibility stated as below:

  • Users will be registered to the Program as Frontliner if the selected country is listed in “Eligible Regions and Countries” and they meet the criterias stated in “Eligible Frontliners”.

  • Applications from other countries that are not stated in “Eligible Regions and Countries” will be registered to the Program with On Hold status. Frontliners with On Hold status can not see active frontliner raids and can not earn store credits. Those On Hold Frontliners will be notified when their country becomes eligible, and they can complete the registration process to be a Frontliner afterwards.

  • Users that do not meet the rating criteria after the Frontliner Registration process will be registered to the Program with On Hold status. Frontliners with On Hold status can not see active frontliner raids, can not earn store credits and can not claim gift cards. Those On Hold Frontliners can host more raids and become a Frontliner later if they meet the rating criteria.

Last modified: 19 June 2024